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Ysgol Emrys ap Iwan

Learning with Satchel:One

We consider homework to be an important part of every learner’s education. When doing homework learners learn to work independently, to meet deadlines and to manage their time.  They also build on skills they have learnt in the classroom.

What is Satchel:One?

Satchel:One is a simple online homework calendar showing homework information, deadlines and attachments for learners. All learners' homework will be displayed online using Satchel:One. The benefits of the system for parents are that you can see exactly how much homework has been set, when it is due in and whether or not it has been completed.

All parents will be given a login to check on the homework that has been set for their child. By logging in, you and your child can see just the homework relevant to you. You can review submission times, see grades and communicate with teachers around specific assignments. 

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For articles, help, and advice for getting the most out of 'Satchel:One' please visit their help centre.

Satchel:One App

The Satchel:One App is available to download from: